1.stop; halt; come to a halt[standstill]. 2 stay (at/with); remain. ¢Ò As he was leaving, we stopped[detained] him.


¢Ò ¡¤We will retain[keep] you in your present position.


I wont keep you any longer. ¡¤ ¢Ò I dont want to stay in this city.


3. It seems that the custom is confined to this area. ¢Ò The conference did no more than point out some problems


[list some points at issue]./The conference confined itself to listing some points at issue.


This is not all he has done.


(a) repetition; a repeat; iteration; reiteration;

epistrophe; anaphora; a refrain; a burden. ¢Ò ¡­ repetitious/repetitive.

He is only repeating himself, though in different terms.

There is too much repetition in this song. ¡­ repeat; iterate; reiterate; do over again.

¢Ò ¡­ repeatedly/over again/again and again.

¢¹palingenesis. ¢¹the recapitulation theory. ¢¹a repeat test. ¢¹repeated practice. ¢Ò ¡­practice repeatedly.

fickleness; flightiness; inconstancy; inconsistency; variableness;repeated switching (of ones opinion[decision]).


¡­switch[shift] again and again. ¢¹inconstancy; instability.

#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9