emotion; sentiment; passion; impulse. ¢Ò a prosaic person. ¡¤
¡­ reason and emotion. ¡¤¡­show ones feelings/let ones feeling[emotions] show.

She tends to become emotional. ¡¤That would create hard feelings/That would give offense.

He often hurts his friends with his remarks. ¡¤He seldom betrays[shows] his feelings[emotions].
Man is a creature of impulse In a fit of anger he disowned his son. ¡¤¡­When he was excited he
would walk up and down the room. ¡¤¢¹an emotional play. ¢¹empathy.
¢¹ displacement. get displeased/be disgruntled/become angry/show displeasure.
I bear[own] her no grudge.




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