go[come] back (to); return; leave.
¢Ò¡­ go (back) home. prepare (oneself) for going home[back]
We had to go back the way we had come.
I must be going[be off] home now.
You may go[leave] now
2 return (to); be restored to; turn back; revert (to)
¢Ò¡­ fall back to dust
You may go back to your seat
¢Ò fail to operate[work] properly/malfunction
¢Ò That road goes the long way (around)
The machine is working[running] smoothly.
6 come to; lead to; result[end/terminate] in;
arrive at; be reduced to (ashes)
¢Ò¡­ end[go up] in smoke/come to naught[nothing].
¡­ prove abortive[fruitless]/get nothing for ones pain
His efforts resulted[ended] in failure.

7 ascribe[attribute] (to); fall (upon); set[put] down (to).

¢Ò The responsibility is[rests] with me.
8. do (a thing) by turns; take turns. We took turns in telling a story.
¢Ò Its further course is still uncertain.

unknown; strange; unfamiliar..a stranger.
¢Ò an unknown world/the unknownThis is an unfamiliar[a new] scene to me.
I am always shy with strangers.



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